Saturday, September 09, 2006

25th – 31st August - I don't care if I can't equalise, I'm going to the snow.

Think three determined poor students, think campervan in a motor camp, think snotty tissues appearing in the most unlikely of places. Can't imagine it? You don't need to. I'll be making a music video of it. Yup, the idea came to me in a flash whilst sitting in the Treble Cone car park on day four after popping my kneecap and clicking my tailbone once again. Well, the idea to make a video about the trip was always on the agenda - the blazer and cravat added to my role as a filmmaker with a camcorder on the slopes despite their impracticality. The music video plan was more of a way to slow my racing-heart beat when I texted Jint to ask when our music video assignment was due: 3 weeks... But how to get around the fact that its in home-movie style? (i.e. constant shaking, poor framing and no plot) Just you wait and see! (…And so will I)


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