Monday, August 14, 2006

NOTE TO SELF: These blogs could influence who wants to have anything to do with you and who wants to steer well clear. So get your foot out of your mouth.

Talking to my sister the other night for the first time in what feels like ages left me milling over something she said about blogs. Prospective employers have been known to search the blog posts of possible employees to see what they are REALLY like. "So be sure not to make too much of an arse of yourself", she warned. I passed on this piece of cautious info to a like-minded classmate, who informed me that there are only 3 of us in the course who seem to be having a bit more 'fun' with their blogs than our more professional counterparts. Before I knew what was happening she was shaking my hand and making me swear not to cross to the other side. Quite a dilemma. Not the 'staying true to the lucid posts promise' part but the 'how can I be taken seriously by those I wish to be taken seriously by' part. Here's hoping I don't bore the hell out of you while I deal with this dose of multiple-personalities...

*Spoke with Richard about my attempt at researching Operation Ark for our lastest assignment. Then informed him of my no-car situation and the fact we need to sit a test to be able to use the uni trucks so travelling two hours out of town for a half/one hour interview could be more of an issue than first implied.

*He has suggested finding a new interviewee who is an expert on the native wood pigeon. "Do you have an interest in wood pigeons?" "Well, they haven't exactly won me over just yet, but who knows!" After talking to an enthusiastic expert with passion that could rub off on me, this could be a very promising path.

*Richard also askd what I would be interested in making a film on, not specifically for the final film, but something that has stuck my interest while walking around Dunas. Graffiti art. After photographing the Hutt and Wellington graf art through high school I realised how unique Dunedin's take on it really is. Minimal hiphop influence, fewer criminal associations and far more variety in media than most other cities. I'm already excited! But it looks like I only have two days to find sources with convincing enough stories to win Ricahrd over and leave the wood pigeons for another day. Still, I feel like I need to give those big plump birds a chance to win my heart.


At 2:41 pm, Blogger Alastair Jamieson said...

You need to check out - NZ pigeon/ kereru central. BTW, up north they call them kukupa for when you're googling...

At 2:42 pm, Blogger Alastair Jamieson said...

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At 8:21 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kereru are great! These amazing Heavy Bomber impersonations when landing - from the sound you'd really expect a chain of tiny torpedoes to do drop out, *phheeeeww*, and then they more or less impact the tree like a sack of flour!
Also I have gotten frank admissions from several people that the main thing that goes through their mind when they see one is, "Ooh, that looks plump and yummy..." - so there is definitely some emotional response here :D

At 8:24 pm, Blogger Kat Baulu said...

I would be devastated if you censored your posts and put banal, pre-digested stuff on your blog. Stay true, Lu!
In admiration, Kat :)

At 11:35 pm, Blogger Kat Baulu said...

How's the research coming Lu, update us!

At 2:10 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lu!
I came across Jinty in the computer lab today and she gave me her blogspot address. I had no clue you all had blogs!! (Hehe...I can tell now that these will be one of my main resources for How To Beat the other Hundreds into NHNZ next year) What a blimmin' empire you guys have here! As you are probably aware I am completely in awe of nhnz and really want to get into the course next year....while counting down the days till Biochem lets me out of its talons.
Sorry for taking up space on your blog but the letter from the Scotland guy inspired me (and once I'm inspired you can't get rid of me...)
Really hope the year goes well for you. Now I've discovered this I will be watching you all!!

At 6:56 pm, Blogger Jule said...

Lu - really, it's fine - you know, your blog is actually FUN to read and not as boring as mine, for example! So I guess I am on the "other side", but maybe only so because I can't do any better! Don't have your spirit broken by conventions. Go LU!


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