Trees trees trees - All this talk but where's the walk?
Let the hunt... begin *DRAMATIC MUSIC*

Even in the middle of a city we hunt out the only we-ain't-botanists-but-we-can-tell-what-this-is beech tree in Dunedin (a.k.a. the only labelled one)

So this is where all those long hours of research pay off - we know what the scientific name is (lets not get into pronounciation)

But you can never be too sure about those labels. Best to check the tag around the trunk...

...then play 'expert' and give your partner confidence that you actually know what you're looking for by pretending to inspect the tree (it is very important to include the 'hmmm', 'not divaricating, i see...' and various other sounds of contemplation - basically all the skills you learn from an ecology degree).

Lastly inform the masses, who are waiting on the edge of their seats, that yes... this is in fact... a beech tree.

Now stand back and let the unification take place.

hurray!i love trees...this is gonna be such a wicked movie!!!!!!!
That sapling was probably kicked out of Fjordland for Unforgivable Scrawniness. Don't you dare make a movie about a broomstick! :D
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