Monday, September 25, 2006

NOTE TO SELF: These notes to self are damn annoying.

So it's been yeat another 3 weeks of blogging-neglect - surprise surprise. I am going to attempt to give the ultimate summarised recap yet.

Choosing a film partner - emotions went a bit like this:
> no worries mate
> am I the only one not coffee-dating anyone?
> hmm only one day left to find someone - the most intense panic attack (especially not being in the know about whose hooked up with who)
> had a chat with Sarah the night before the deadline for choosing - shocked at how identical our goals are
> had a chat with Dwayno the next day but was nervous to be blunt about having chosen Sarah for a partner.
> read Sarah blog the next morning and stoked that she's just as happy

two weeks later and we are hear in the zoology dept. preparing our final film pitch.

What we both want:
> to make something mundane become captivating
> its all about the post-production
> think stylised, think graphics, think unique communication
> charasmatic creatures is just the easy way out - we want a challenge
> it's all in the way the story is told - think festival audiences, not Joe-Six-Pack


Other key points to the past 3 weeks
> learning to drive a manual! Chris left his car here while he heads out to sea for 8 weeks and I need to master it before working with DOC in November on long-tailed bats.
> Design design design - its been a waterfall of assignment handins and they just keep coming. Finished a council rubbish bin made from old bikes (and since I'm a girl I had to 'leave the workshop for a few mintues as this cutting tool can be very noisey' and 'get a boy to help drill those holes in the frame' - I found this funny as I have more power tools at home than most I know my age)
> Christchurch is the place to be, even if you don't ahve time!


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