so now it is time for a story-book style post. the only type any of you would actually be interested in reading, simple because there is not reading (the comments are merely a compromise for those with no imagination).
after travelling to and fro so often, we formed some habits

but roadtrip ALWAYS = fun

even when sober and driving

we never got lost

and we always acted like tourists...

dignified tourists

Lawrence, even though you popped our tyre one rainy night at 3am with 2 tonnes of gear in the boot, we still love your playground. But you will never be no Milton...

so now for a recap:
Some of us felt it necessary to be prepared for a 1080 film-shoot. I think I was just an excuse to look like we were serious... and hide that I-haven't-brushed-in-3-days breath.

but we did look like pros. even with faulty cameras (NB the photos quality?)

to make a film about a tree, we first had to get inside the trees mind... found inisde a tree

we got up close and intimate with every part of its world.

some things were harder to film than others

but we had the skills, baby

and ALOT of gear (cheers Ed)

yes. there were sandflies

but we had ways of escaping their tourment

after working long hard days, well into dusk...

we would retire...

to our luxury accommodation

but we were missing a key character. a caterpillar
i headed to Te Anau when the season was right

i got a bit distracted by things weird


and damn delicious

i found a short-tailed bat roost (1140 bats!!)

then i found him. the one we have been searching the valleys for months for. along with about 10,000 others just like him.
it was love at first sight.

then came the holiday. my first time in the Marlborough sounds. accosted by an octopus, meters from flipping dolphins...

romantic dinners in the dark on a building site

with the most amazing view to wake up to from the boot of a station wagon.

in picton i visited my dad's old boat from his navy days

then headed to welly to help out the folks at home, and dad's 'new' boat

even though i worked everyday there, it was a beautiful change of scene

but there's no place like dunas, and sarah and i are in the midst of some hard-arse knuckling-down. and i am seriously loving it.
hey I'm a friend of Sarah's from UCD.
love the photos and the narrative is great.
keep up the good work and ignore the "swooning over his ironic and synical outlook" and get down to some serious blogging. (and/or filming)
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