The Prairies and its new bandit...

"More than 70 years after vanishing from the Canadian Prairies, the black-footed ferret is once again scampering in the wild at Saskatchewan's Grasslands National Park."
Anne Kyle, Leader-Post
I am currently living and working in Canada, and it is BIG. After four months of researching the Species At Risk Black-Tailed Prairie Dog at Grasslands National Park, the time has finally come for the reintroduction of the Black-Footed Ferret, making this the third popular of the species since its near extinction barely 29 years ago.
Despite them being the 'bad guys' who will be the new bandits of the prairies, feeding on our dear prairie dogs who our team has grown very attached to, we have our fingers crossed tightly and our breathes held in hope they make it through this winter and settle well into their new home.
Dear Val Marie,
I love you and miss you.