So yes... it's finished - but it isn't over... there's the festivals, the DVDs, the thank-you-very-muchlies... and of course the job hunt - the IDEAL JOB hunt
I have so much I could ramble on about to recap the past month or two... but I am at work and the boss is looking over my shoulder (yes that's right: work + boss = life after the film - at least until September).
The strangest thing is to go from 6 sleepless days+nights to intense celebrations (a dance presformance, a gig and a premiere all within 24hrs of the hand-in) to home-time in Welly, then into a 9-5 job helping put together a book.

My folks came for the premiere and kidnapped me back to Welly for a few days. Saw my newest niece, Isabel, for the first time and got me the obligatory bad photo of Aunty Lu - to be saved for a tacky 21st T-shirt print or cake-image ha! And I hope the act of putting a bad photo on the net of myself says something good about me (despite the fact I have yet to find a good one)
Its only when you have time to stop do you realise that your entire NHFC family is breaking up and going back to where they came from... and only then do you truely understand that they are the only 10 people who shared the most intense 12 months and know how it feels... I would love to compare notes with those who went before us and those who are about to start - even though the days of '12months' are over and now to be '2years'
Cheers for checking out this blog - sorry for the lack of exciting posts - but I'm sure the silence speaks for itself (hmmm too deep to make sense?)
And now that I have discovered the internet again, there will be more posts to come.
We got accepted to our 1st festival, up in good ol' Palmy N. Fingers-crossed for a few drive-by shootings at the time just to add that extra spice factor to the
Aotearoa Environmental Film Festival Sarah loves this internet thing so no doubt our film's webpages will be undated to the max yo!
Our film "A Moment of Clarity..." has a
blogger site and a
BEBO site. But I'm still a techno-phobe... Ha... go figure...
BOOYAH! taught mahsel' how ta do dem words links to pages thang! Look out
Bill Gates!